The Plant Genetics and Immunology Laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Paulo Teixeira and is part of the Department of Biological Sciences of the “Luiz de Queiroz” College of Agriculture of the University of São Paulo (ESALQ-USP).
Our mission is to generate knowledge through scientific research related to interactions between plants and microorganisms, a topic of great relevance to Brazil. In addition to impactful scientific discoveries, we seek to contribute to the training and education of new generations of scientists and professionals who can act as leaders in the field.
Plants have an innate immune system
But some microorganisms can dribble it
Agriculture is one of the main pillars of our societies. Plants are daily present in our lives and in many forms, including food, clothing, medicine, paper and fuel.
Plant diseases caused by microorganisms are among the most important problems in agriculture, leading to the loss of 20-30% of our potential agricultural production each year.
We study interactions between plants and microorganisms to understand how diseases develop and thus support the development of a more efficient and sustainable agriculture.
Our research
Molecular Biology
The Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Immunology aims to understand how plants defend themselves against invasive microorganisms and how pathogens manipulate the plant immune system to establish infection
Join the team!
The Laboratory of Plant Genetics and Immunology is searching for talented students who want to join our team. There are a number of opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdocs.
Laboratório de Genética e Imunologia de Plantas
Centro de Biotecnologia Agrícola
Departamento de Ciências Biológicas
"Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture
University of São Paulo
Av. Duque de Caxias 935
Piracicaba, SP
+55 (19) 3429-4344 ext. 15
© 2019 Paulo Teixeira